“In a few days we noticed some change. Wietze was more relaxed, could cope with more things, got more independent was less overstimulated, ate more, was getting happier and his tantrums diminished… It is working so well that he doesn’t need therapy anymore, we know what to do, Wietze knows how to cope and how to react.”

We have been using the Mente headband for approximately one year now and we are very happy with the headband.

Our son Wietze (9 years old) has ppd-nos and used to have really bad tantrums, at school and at home. This all occurred when he was going to school  at the age of 6 and really had to do things, not go to kindergaden and play with other kids, but learning how to write, how to do math etc.. The school could not cope with him and his behaviour. The classroom was regurly demolished by him, or he got in a fight with classmates. Even with therapy once a week he kept having tantrums regularly. At home we were making progress, but at school the tantrums kept coming. Wietze was forced to go to special education, he was depressed, constantly overstimulated by everything and it looked like an eight year old with a burn out.

The new school understood him and it was a bit better, but the tantrums  still kept coming, once, twice even three times a week was “normal”…

Then we came in contact with Roland from Mente here in the Netherlands, we booked an appointment to see if the headband was suitable for Wietze. It was, and in a few days we noticed some change. Wietze was more relaxed, could cope with more things, got more independent was less overstimulated, ate more, was getting happier and his tantrums diminished.

At the beginning we had to use the headband every day the first hour of school for 40 minutes, but Wietze indicated that he was already overwhelmed in the taxi, so now he gets up earlier, puts on his clothes, puts on the headband and watches television during the session.

It is working so well that he doesn’t need therapy anymore, we know what to do, Wietze knows how to cope and how to react. His tantrums…once a month!!!

Sometimes the session won’t work properly because of a hick-up and then we notice that Wietze immediately is reacting due to overstimulating…he really needs his headband especially when he goes to school. During the weekends we don’t put the headband on, and when we have something special to do, we will consider if it will be necessary to use it. Sometimes Wietze wants to use it and sometimes he doesn’t think it is necessary.

Overall, we are very happy this headband came into our lives! Wietze is the happy boy again we used to know.

Rinske van der Noord – The Netherlands, February 2020

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