How Mente Helps Relax the Minds of Kids with Autism

How Mente Helps Relax the Minds of Kids with Autism

How Mente Helps Relax the Minds of Kids with Autism Children with autism spectrum disorder are no strangers to stress, and finding ways to help them relax can be challenging. That’s where Mente can help because it uses neurofeedback technology to promote relaxation,...
Everyday Tips for Raising Children with Autism

Everyday Tips for Raising Children with Autism

Everyday Tips for Raising Children with Autism Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder face a number of challenges, and being prepared can help you address them more easily. For instance, doing research on autism spectrum disorder can give you a better idea...
Charlotte – United Kingdom, July 2019

Charlotte – United Kingdom, July 2019

“It has been a spectacular success. In just 12 weeks, she is a lot calmer, able to think more clearly and take a breath before a situation overwhelms her.” Charlotte decided to try Mente for her 11-year-old daughter, Hannah, after years of disruptive...
Charlotte – United Kingdom, July 2019

Hannah – United Kingdom, July 2019

“For me, there was nothing that would work. I’ve been through over ten different types of therapy. And this is actually one that can help you in the long-term.” Hannah – United Kingdom, July 2019 Supporting data available. Names have been changed...
Calogera – Italy, July 2019

Calogera – Italy, July 2019

“His behaviour, attention span, listening skills and his executive delivery immediately began to improve.” Calogera, mother to a nine-year-old boy, discovered Mente following her son’s Autism diagnosis. “The pain of having his condition confirmed was like...